Book Review: The Shadow Soul (A Dance of Dragons, #1) by Kaitlyn Davis

The Shadow SoulSynopsis:

GAME OF THRONES meets GRACELING in a new fantasy series by best selling author Kaitlyn Davis.

Jinji has been haunted by the death of her twin brother for ten years. Now, on the dawn of her joining, the nightmare that claimed him has returned for her.

Prince Whylrhen is determined to prevent the past from repeating itself. His kingdom is expecting a new heir, and he will stop at nothing to keep the child safe.

Though they’ve never met, the two share a deep secret—magic. Jinji can weave the elements to create master illusions and Whylrhen can pull burning flames into his flesh. But neither of them knows what they are truly capable of until a chance encounter brings them together. For their story has played out before, in a long forgotten time—an age of myth that is about to be reborn…

About the Author: kaitlyn davis

I’ve always been a writer. I grew up duct taping my novels together, started writing complete manuscripts in high school and studied creative writing at Johns Hopkins University. Upon graduating, I decided it was finally time to actually give my dream career a chance. So, of course, I started writing a young adult paranormal romance series — and no, I’m not jumping on the bandwagon. I’ve been a true paranormal supporter for my entire life! I blame my obsession almost completely on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, my all-time favorite television show. And, before you ask: Yes, I own every season… even the post WB ones! I especially challenge anyone to watch the first three seasons and not fall in love with Angel, securing a lifelong love of vampires! Other culprits of my paranormal obsession are some of my favorite authors: JK Rowling, Raymond Feist, Meg Cabot, Richelle Mead, Lynne Ewing and Tamora Pierce.

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My Review:

This had a very Game of Thrones feel to it, which made it very appealing to me. It was written third person and hops from character to character so I did find it hard to get to grips with this at first. The names of the characters and the world itself are difficult to slide into, but once you’re there, its even harder to get out!

I’m not much of an out and out high fantasy fan, but I did find this book enjoyable and very well written.

From a writer’s perspective, I have to hand it to Kaitlyn, the effort and imagination that went into the whole world building was amazing. I’m not sure I could do it myself, and that’s why I tend to stick to writing urban fantasy that plays out in a world that both me and my readers know well. It can be so refreshing to pick up a book and drop into another land and have adventures that are not governed by the norm.

The front cover is great, although I’m not very observant and it took me a while to see that it was a dragon’s eye! D’oh!

Overall, I’d give The Shadow Soul 4 out of 5 stars – if you miss Game of Thrones pick up this book and get a quick fix before its back on our screens in April.

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