Interview with Jen Naumann


Tell us about your publishing journey…

I’ve been writing ever since elementary school, but took a few years off after having children. I lost sight of my dream until a fairly young family member was diagnosed with breast cancer. I realized there is no promise of tomorrow and I needed to pursue my writing career immediately or it may never happen. Since I have close to zero patience and really don’t like other people telling me what to do, I decided to go the self-publishing route. I hired my own editor and designed the cover for most of my books. What I’ve Done was released April 2012 and I’ve written eight books since.

What do you love about being an author?

I’ve always loved creating my own world where I define the rules and create the characters. It’s a great way to escape reality! Plus I can set my own hours and write from anywhere in the world. And I love to entertain people.

If you could have dinner with any literary character, who would it be and what would you eat?

I love Bellatrix Lestrange (even named my dog after her) and would enjoy seeing what makes her tick. We’d probably have to eat in the food court at a mall since I wouldn’t want to spend too much time alone with her.

If your book was to be made into a movie, who would you cast as the leads?

These questions are always the hardest since I create my characters without any visual influence, but my ultimate dream is to see one of my books come to life on the big screen and I would love to help find the perfect cast. I loved Britt Robertson in The Secret Circle and could see her with brown hair playing Harper. Her costar Chris Zylka in that show is getting a little old, but would make for a gr20642157eat Leo. I think I would be really picky about who to cast as Dexter. Landon Liboiron in his younger days with shorter hair would’ve been perfect. Margot Robbie would probably do well as Sophia.

Vampires – do you prefer them as sexy leads or blood hungry monsters?

Definitely blood-thirsty monsters! One of my favorite movies is 30 Days of Night. I prefer my supernatural creatures to be scary and not cuddly. I would, however, make an exception for Damon Salvatore. Those eyes kill me.

If you had a time machine, which era would you go back to and why?

The 80s. I miss the simplicity of life: notes passed in class, innocence that came without internet, rollerskating on a Friday night with your friends. The movies were top notch. Having to re-live most of the music and the dreadful fashion, however, would be pretty painful.

15831755What life advice do you wish you’d been given sooner?

To go out and explore the world before settling down. Maybe even live somewhere exciting on my own for a while.

If you were a supernatural creature, what would you be and why?

I’d have to say a mermaid. Not that I’d enjoy wearing seashells for a bra and not having legs, but because I adore the ocean. I’d be best if I could be like Madison from the 80s movie Splash so I could enjoy the life of a human sometimes. I would think living under water could get boring after so long.

Where do you write best?

Our master bedroom suite. I have a big arm chair in the corner of the room where it’s quiet and I’m able to relax my imagination. My raging ADD won’t let me write if there are too many distractions.17335800

What was the last book you read, and what were your thoughts on it?

I was lucky enough to get my hands on an ARC of Kate L. Mary’s Mad World and can’t say enough good things about it! I’m a mega-fan of The Walking Dead and her series really satisfied the zombie-lover in me. It’s one of those books I could read over and over again.

If you didn’t write in your genre, which other would you prefer and why?

I already write contemporary romance under a pen name (Jennifer Ann). It’s refreshing not to worry about creating an imaginary world where the rules and exceptions can get overwhelming. Sometimes I just enjoy creating a good old love story, no monsters or superpowers included.

Where can fans find you online?









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