Interview with Anna Abner

Anna Abner author picTell us about your publishing journey…

First, thanks for the chance to chat!
I have been writing stories for as long as I can remember and in my twenties I attempted to publish the traditional route. I got a lot of positive feedback, but I felt like a contract was never going to happen. I finally decided to take control of my own career. I self-published, and though it has been much more work than I originally anticipated, I wouldn’t change a thing.

What do you love about being an author?

My characters. They become a part of me. I love them, hate them, cry for them, laugh with them. They come to life in my imagination, and that’s the best part of storytelling, for me.

If you could have dinner with any literary character, who would it be and what would you eat?

I am obsessed with Katniss Everdeen right now, so I’m going to say her. We would chat about her life post-games, and I would kindly tell her how much good she did for the districts. I would make her a warm, comforting bowl of potato soup.

If your book was to be made into a movie, who would you cast as the leads?Elixir1800x2700 (1)

I picture Maya as Selena Gomez or Lucy Hale, two gorgeous young actresses. And I imagine Ben as Daniel Sharman. Tough, but vulnerable at the same time. He’s really good at that on Teen Wolf.

Vampires – do you prefer them as sexy leads or blood hungry monsters?

A good mix of both, actually! I like a vampire hero, but I adore one who is a little dangerous and out of control. JR Ward does a really good job of mixing sex and violence in her vampire novels.

If you had a time machine, which era would you go back to and why?

That’s such a hard question because I’m addicted to modern technology and I hate wearing corsets. But I guess it would be an ancient civilization like Greece or Egypt or Rome. So long as I could come home after a couple days, of course.

What life advice do you wish you’d been given sooner?

“Don’t sweat the small stuff” is a good one. I have the tendency to get distracted by all the little things going wrong instead of focusing on the big picture.

If you were a supernatural creature, what would you be and why?

A witch, for sure. I love writing witches because I secretly want to be one. I’d love to be able to cast spells and get things done faster.

Where do you write best?

I don’t have a home office right now, so believe it or not, I write best wherever my laptop is sitting. Sometimes it’s at the kitchen table. Sometimes it’s in the lobby of a music store while my daughter takes violin lessons. I’ve learned to write wherever and whenever I can.

What was the last book you read, and what were your thoughts on it?

I just finished reading Divergent by Veronica Roth and I thought it was very good. I’m looking forward to starting the next book in Roth’s series and seeing the film adaptation in March.

If you didn’t write in your genre, which other would you prefer and why?

After paranormal, historical romances are my favorite to read. I would love to write a regency or a medieval romance someday.

Where can fans find you online?

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Twitter (link: @AnnaAbner)

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