Book Review: Storm (Salt #2) by Danielle Ellison

storm coverSynopsis:

Up until recently, Penelope was a witch with no magic. After having it stolen by a demon when she was just a child, Penelope had been forced to rely on sharing others’ powers as she went through the grueling training required to become an elite demon hunter. Now Penelope has more magic than she’s ever known. And when you’re this powerful, who needs salt to keep the demons away?

But power has a dark side.

Carter Prescott just wants to hunt demons and be with Penelope. But suddenly, witches who formerly had no magic are developing terrible, out-of-control powers. Now the world Carter swore to protect isn’t just endangered by malicious demons―it’s threatened by the same witches who once defended it. And Carter is horrified to see his girlfriend starting to change. Stronger. More powerful. Unrecognizable. It’s just a matter of time before Penelope changes into something far beyond his worst fears…

About the Author:

Danielle Ellison is from a small town in West Virginia. She spent her childhood pretending to fly, talking to imaginary friends, and telling stories. She hasn’t changed much since then. You can still find her pretending to work, talking to imaginary characters, and writing stories. danielle ellison

When she’s not writing, Danielle is probably drinking coffee, fighting her nomadic urges, watching too much TV, or dreaming of the day when she can be British. She is the author of five upcoming novels and you can find her on twitter @DanielleEWrites.

My Review:

This is the 2nd book in a series and they do really need to be read in order to make the most out of the story. Fortunately I was given both to review – so this review will be for both books together.

Witches are a funny one in paranormal fiction, if not written correctly they can come off as kind of parodies – the ‘Worst Witch’ syndrome. These books, however don’t fall into that trap and go down more of a ‘Mortal Instruments’ road with the witches being protectors and taking down demons.

From a writer’s perspective, the story in both books was kind of slow to get going and then really didn’t go anywhere when it did. Penelope was an interesting character though and with the POV being first person, the prose was very sweet and child-like in places which made her feel more real, although she did do an ordinate amount of complaining throughout the book, which was not so likeable – sure whinge when something goes wrong, but characters need to have slightly more redeeming qualities that out weigh the ‘woe is me’ attitude.  It was in present tense which gave the action in there a certain sense of urgency. The world building is good here, and I must admit that I did like the limitations of the main character, perhaps more could have been done with them though?

The front covers are colouful, but don’t really say much about the content – they could be witches or just as likely vampires or werewolves or superheroes.

Overall I’d give both books 3 out of 5 stars for adults and 4 out of 5 stars for 14+ readers. It’s no Harry Potter, but it certainly isn’t the Worst Witch either.


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